[OpenAFS] Help - Failed to load AFS client
Tommy Mann
Sat, 2 Nov 2002 16:53:55 -0500 (EST)
Hi! I've just installed the OpenAFS rpms on my RH 7.3 box. I've added
the appropriate cell in ThisCell (/usr/vice/etc), and also downloaded my
cell's appropriate CellServDB. However, when I run /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs
start I get the following message:
Found libafs-2.4.18-3-i686.o from SymTable... Loading...
Failed to load AFS client, not starting AFS services.
What's going on here??? I checked a few other things out and here's what
I found:
In /var/log/messages I see the following errors:
Nov 2 15:24:34 black kernel: You must reload the AFS kernel extensions
before remounting AFS.
Nov 2 15:25:15 black kernel: afs: Lost contact with volume location
server in cell isis.unc.edu
Nov 2 15:25:15 black kernel: afs: Lost contact with volume location
server in cell isis.unc.edu
Nov 2 15:26:13 black kernel: afs: Lost contact with volume location
server in cell isis.unc.edu
Basically, I get the "Lost contact with volume loation server..." error
twice each minute continuously.
Also, if I run /usr/vice/etc/afsd I get:
afsd: All AFS daemons started.
afsd: Can't mount AFS on /afs(22)
I don't really know where else to look. Any help would be greatly