[OpenAFS] "Value too large for defined data type"

Charles Clancy security@xauth.net
Fri, 8 Nov 2002 00:51:42 -0600 (CST)

> > So, a file from my thesis has suddenly stopped being accessable.  I last
> > accessed it from a WinXP machine running OpenAFS 1.2.6.  Now, I'm trying
> > to access it from my Solaris 8 client/server running 1.2.6 and getting
> > "Value too large for defined data type".  I can still access the file just
> > fine from Windows.
> I think this is fixed in 1.2.7; It's a problem with the date being
> negative, maybe. Touch the file from somewhere to update the timestamp and
> it should then be ok.

At the moment, I only have a Windows client and a Solaris client.
Accessing the file from Windows doesn't help the situation, and I can't
touch the file from Solaris without getting the same error.  As long as
it's been fixed in 1.2.7, that's fine with me.  I've sftp'd the file
around and gotten things going again.

Interestingly enough, two PowerPoint presentations I saved in AFS space
from the XP client are perfectly readable under Solaris.

Was it a Solaris bug, a Windows bug, or a general bug?

[ t charles clancy ]--[ tclancy@uiuc.edu ]--[ www.uiuc.edu/~tclancy ]