[OpenAFS] pts groups

Nickolai Zeldovich kolya@MIT.EDU
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 00:07:12 -0500

On 25 Nov 2002, Jimmy Engelbrecht <jimmy@e.kth.se> wrote:

> Its not enough to be the owner of the group "test" to create "test:b" you
> must be a member of "test". Thats what i missed in this picture.

No, neither of those are requirements for createing test:b, as
demonstrated by my example (note that I had tokens for "kolya",
not "kolya.root").  As long as you have a non-foreign pts id in
a cell, and have tokens for that pts id, you can create test:b
(as long as there's some test group that's non-empty).  You don't
have to either own or be a member of test or of any other group.

-- kolya