[OpenAFS] Could not re-clone backup volume 536871049: Invalid argument

Turbo Fredriksson turbo@bayour.com
05 Sep 2002 09:45:27 +0200

>>>>> "Derrick" == Derrick J Brashear <shadow@dementia.org> writes:

    Derrick> On 3 Sep 2002, Turbo Fredriksson wrote: It's comparing
    Derrick> V_type which is (vp)->header->diskstuff.type to see if
    Derrick> it's a RO or BK and finding it's a readwrite.
    >>  I see. The backup volume? I did an examine, no such volume...

    Derrick> I didn't say it was a backup. It wants an RO or BK and is
    Derrick> finding an RW, apparently.

No idea what that means, but thanx.

    Derrick> what do vos listvol and vos examine have to say?

Can't remember now. I managed to do a salvage, but I had to run it
twice for it to salvage the volume. Didn't loose anything thankfully.

Lucky for me it didn't keep it's "promise" (delete when next salvage) :)
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