[OpenAFS] Global Drives with Windows 2k
Voss, Andreas
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 13:39:14 +0200
I am supporting the windows (2000)machines in the student computer rooms
of our polytechnicum.
All students are using roaming profiles on the AFS.
Everything was working well with the IBM AFS Client - until
installing SP3 for Windows 2k: the redirecting of the Directories
Application Data and Desktop (working fine 'til then) cannot be
established without errors: Internet Explorer favorites cannot be read
or created and the Icon "Show Desktop" of the Quick-Launch-Bar is not
working any more. Only after un-redirecting the Foldes Application Data
to the roaming profile (%userprofile%) makes favorites an the
Show-Desktop-Icon working. But this is not a could solution, because
Logon/Logoff with unredirected Desktop-Folder and Application Data takes
long time.
Because of this I tried to use the Open AFS Client 1.2.2.b. I also would
like to switch to this client, because our servers are / will be
switched to open afs too.=20
But this client is working worse - even with Windows 2000 without SP3.
The Global Drive ist loaded, but not usable. This an error message
"Windows cannot create profile directory
Z:\users\a\avostud\profiles\hgglobal\win.pds. You will be logged on
with a local profile only. Changes to the profile will not be propagated
to the server. Contact your network administrator. "=20
and after this:
"Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a
temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when
you log off."
But after Logon all the necessary directories on AFS are available and I
have full access according to my tokens, obtained when logging into
So it thought, the reason is a slow network connection. But changing the
group policy in that way, that slow network connections are accepted,
brings to solution of this problem.
To mount the Profile-AFS-Drive in the Windows 2K Start-Script with=20
"net use z: \\%computername%-afs\ethz.ch /persistent:no" (working with
former AFS-Clients and Windows NT4)
instead of using global drives also cannot load the Drive with error
"System error 53 has occurred.
The network path was not found."
I have seen, that this problem was discussed in former months, but never
I've seen a solution for this. Maybe I'm blind - then I would be glad
telling me, how to find it.
Andreas Voss
Informatikdienste / Basisdienste
ETH-Zentrum SOW E 14
Sonneggstrasse 63
8092 Zuerich
Telefon: 0041-1-632.48.48
Fax: 0041-1-632.17.41