[OpenAFS] App on top of OpenAFS and MacOX

Manuel Severiano manuel.severiano@tagus.ist.utl.pt
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 03:22:55 +0100

John C. Welch wrote:

>On 04/16/2003 18:32, "Manuel Severiano" <manuel.severiano@tagus.ist.utl.pt>
>>We are running user home directories from AFS on
>>MacOsX/Windows(partial)/Solaris/Linux. In MacOSX 10.2.5 we are having to
>>many problems in relation to other platforms, many applications work
>>seamless while others just crash, like Mail and Safira. Mozilla is one
>>of those that stays in the middle, everything seams to work well until
>>we try to download something and are presented with a  helpful "Could
>>not save, unknown error occurred. Sorry about that"  :). My question is
>>if anyone as some experience that could share in term of  applications
>>running on top of AFS on MacOSX.
>How are you implementing the home directories in Mac OS X?
>I've noticed that if your AFS space is full, you'll get safari errors. Since
>Mozilla likes to cache stuff in your homedir, if you are running low on
>space, you'll have problems, and with a lot of other things as well
Home directories are working directly from AFS, eg user blabla has 
homedir /afs/seiva.org/user/b/l/blabla/mac. We have taken in attention 
the caching of Mozilla and there is plenty of space in the volume. 
Mozilla works great in Linux directly from afs so we are looking for 
some platform specific problem with MacOsX and/or OpenAfs. Have you had 
any experience with Mozilla?