[OpenAFS] New windows problem..

James D. Nurmi (afs) jnurmi-openafs-info@qwe.cc
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 20:55:04 -0400

Sorry I've taken so long to reply to all of these, but I've been 
fighting the mail spool again.
The mount points are local,
on some computers, yes, on most (and these in particular), no
the accounts are administrator accounts.

Now the "fix" we found was odd, and of course YMMV, but here goes...
Upon rebooting and logging in, an icon appeared for the offline file 
manager, since it had a problem syncronizing files... (note, i didn't 
(specifically) enable it, so something else did, or it automagically 
became active).  If I marked the "do not syncronize on network 
connection" (worded differently as I recall) option, and then restarted 
the AFS client, and retrieved tokens, and rechecked the mount points, 
only to finally allow offline file-manager to resyncronize (and approve 
'conflicts'), everything began to work again...

I'd be happy to try other suggestions if the problem reoccurs

Thanks for all the help


Christopher Arnold wrote:

>James D. Nurmi (afs) wrote:
>>Anyhow, what happens is that when they login, they're merely presented
>with the oh-so fantastic box "AFS not finished starting, retry /
>cancel"  if you cancel, and >use the control applet to start and stop
>it, it "appears" (as in the label changes) to start up... any attempt to
>login however, is greeted with
>>"AFS service may not be started"
>We have a similar set up here: about 60 windows clients, 40 redhat
>clients, and 15 redhat afsservers..
>couple of questions:
>1. do you use local mount points or global mount points for your windows
>2. do multiple people frequently log into the same computer?
>3. do you get the same "cannot start AFS" message when you log into the
>same machine as an administrator?
>We've been trying to debug a few of these sorts of problems and it
>generally seems to boil down to one of two
>scenarios: a. user permissions don't allow them to mount a drive or b.
>conflicts involving global/local mount point settings.
>>Here's one that I've yet to find documentation on (and if anybody has
>>send it my way! :-))
>>We have an AFS installation on a relatively low-load high-volume (as
>>in storage space requirements) deployment...
>>2 file servers
>>1 (seperate) DB server (also running kerberos v5)
>>We have on the order of 30 users (and adding more, but not
>>substantially more), and now two of them (relatively simultaniosly)
>>began experiencing the same error in the last couple of days.
>>Both are fairly new XP machines, with sufficient ram, diskspace, etc.
>>Attached is a 2k afsd_init.log, in which i see nothing terribly out of
>>the ordinairy that I see.
>>If I'm on my desktop, I can auth to either user (given their
>>password), and have no issues (other than a changed ACL of course)...
>>Only other thought, is both of them seem to pop up with the "Offline
>>file manager" which seems to be trying to help the system operate in a
>>disconnected state....
>>Any help would be much obliged
>>James Nurmi
>>12:26:52 PM: Create log file
>>12:26:52 PM: Created log file
>>12:26:52 PM: osi_InitDebug code 0
>>12:26:52 PM: gethostname econ-010
>>12:26:52 PM: Default LAN adapter number
>>12:26:52 PM: Cache size 204800
>>12:26:52 PM: Default chunk size 15
>>12:26:52 PM: Defaulting to 2 background daemons
>>12:26:52 PM: Defaulting to 4 server threads
>>12:26:52 PM: Default status cache size 1000
>>12:26:52 PM: Logoff token transfer on by default
>>12:26:52 PM: Default logoff token transfer timeout 10 seconds
>>12:26:52 PM: Default root volume name root.afs
>>12:26:52 PM: Default cache path C:\AFSCache
>>12:26:52 PM: Set for stand-alone service
>>12:26:52 PM: Session startups will be recorded in the Event Log
>>12:26:52 PM: Default trace buffer size 5000
>>12:26:52 PM: Default sys name i386_nt40
>>12:26:52 PM: Default SecurityLevel is clear
>>12:26:52 PM: osi_LogCreate log addr 323ec8
>>12:26:52 PM: First Network address 80adada1 SubnetMask fffffc00
>>12:26:52 PM: rx_Init code 0
>>12:26:52 PM: rx_NewService addr 327ac0
>>12:26:52 PM: rx_NewService addr 327ee8
>>12:26:52 PM: rx_StartServer
>>12:26:52 PM: RPC server listening
>>12:26:52 PM: cm_InitDCache code 0
>>12:26:52 PM: cm_InitDNS 0
>>12:26:52 PM: cm_GetRootCellName code 0 rcn econ.vt.edu
>>12:26:52 PM: cm_GetCell addr 992ac8
>>12:26:52 PM: cm_GetVolumeByName code 0 root vol 992bd0
>>12:26:52 PM: cm_GetSCache code 0 scache 32a0e8
>>12:26:52 PM: cm_InitDaemon
>>12:26:52 PM: Netbios NCBRESET lana 0 succeeded
>>12:26:52 PM: Netbios NCBADDNAME lana=0 code=0 retcode=0 complete=0
>>12:26:52 PM: Netbios NCBADDNAME added new name >ECON-010-AFS    <
>>12:26:52 PM: smb_Init