[OpenAFS] aklog/wake on Windows 2003 Terminal Server ?

Holger Brückner lists@net-labs.de
10 Dec 2003 19:07:07 +0100

On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 18:48, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Are you sure that you are using 1.3.5x?

well client config says AFS Version 1.3.5100

registry says:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\TransarcCorportation\AFS Client\1.3.5100\Version String

install file was:
OpenAFSforWindows-20031209.exe (from your public afs directory)

so i guess it's 1.3.5100 ;)
> The reason it is not working is because Windows cannot get the credentials
> it needs from the MIT KDC.

maybe there is something wrong im my MIT configuration ? 
after logging into terminal server i have the following keys:

MIT cache:

Ticket cache: FILE:C:\DOCUME~1\darks\LOCALS~1\Temp\2\krb5cc
Default principal: darks@NET-LABS.LOCAL

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
12/10/03 17:08:46  12/11/03 03:08:46 
        renew until 12/17/03 17:08:46
12/10/03 17:08:49  12/11/03 03:08:46  afs@NET-LABS.LOCAL
        renew until 12/17/03 17:08:46

Microsoft Cache:

Cached Tickets: (4)

      KerbTicket Encryption Type: Kerberos DES-CBC-CRC
      End Time: 12/11/2003 3:08:46
      Renew Time: 12/17/2003 17:08:46

      KerbTicket Encryption Type: Unknown (16)
      End Time: 12/11/2003 3:08:46
      Renew Time: 12/17/2003 17:08:46

   Server: cifs/WTS-AFS@NET-LABS.LOCAL
      KerbTicket Encryption Type: Unknown (16)
      End Time: 12/11/2003 3:08:46
      Renew Time: 12/17/2003 17:08:46

   Server: host/wts.windows.net-labs.local@WINDOWS.NET-LABS.LOCAL
      KerbTicket Encryption Type: RSADSI RC4-HMAC(NT)
      End Time: 12/11/2003 3:08:46
      Renew Time: 12/17/2003 17:08:46

Holger Brueckner
net-labs Systemhaus GmbH