[OpenAFS] PHP and AFS?

Daniel Clark/Cambridge/IBM daniel_clark@us.ibm.com
Wed, 8 Jan 2003 16:19:53 -0500

Turbo Fredriksson <turbo@bayour.com> wrote on 12/27/2002 04:32:42 AM:
> Quoting Daniel Clark/Cambridge/IBM <daniel_clark@us.ibm.com>:
>> One possibility would be to use the Java API for AFS [1] with
>> the scripting language's facilities for integrating with the
>> Java Virtual Machine.
> This looks greate, but it's just a proposal on how a API would
> look like (?). At least I couldn't find any source or binaries
> that implement it...

I asked Manuel Pereira, one of the developers of the API about this and got
this useful reply:

Hi Daniel,

I find this quite odd, as we made our initial release of the AFS Java Admin
API to the OpenAFS community in July of 2002.  Additionally, the actual API
has been accessible via CVS since then (click "Browse Source":
openafs/src/JAVA/).  If JAFS Admin API is not currently included in the
latest OpenAFS release, I certainly don't know why; furthermore, if not, I
would like to know why.  Perhaps you could pose this question to the
OpenAFS gatekeepers/admins?

I hope this helps.  Please let me know of any news with respect to JAFS in
the OpenAFS release.

Thank you,
Manuel Pereira
IBM Almaden Research Center

So I guess we were just both looking in the wrong place for the code.

You can view the API code via ViewCVS [1]. It's probably in the source
tarball, or you could grab it via CVS. I've updated the JavaAPI Wiki page
[2] to make this completly clear to dense people like myself :-)

[1] http://www.openafs.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/openafs/src/JAVA/
[2] http://grand.central.org/twiki/bin/view/AFSLore/JavaAPI

Daniel Clark  #  http://www.pobox.com/users/dclark