[OpenAFS] Newbie questions
Derek Atkins
03 Jul 2003 17:47:06 -0400
Brian Akins <bakins@web.turner.com> writes:
> Greetings,
> I'm an openAFS newbie. I'm investigating a solution to provide
> read-only content to many clients (100's) and a read-only gold
> server(s). I have just begun to play with it and haven't found good
> answers to a few questions:
> 1. Is the max volume size 8GB (this seems to be the case)? Can a server
> serve many volumes, so that a fileserver serves 32 GB of data (for
> example)? Or is this a fileserver limit?
There really is not a max volume limit, except I would caution you to
keep volume size relatively small for replication and backup purposes.
There is no limit on the number of volumes a server can server. I've
seen a fileserver with hundreds of gigabytes of storage, so no, there
is no "32GB limit" anywhere.
> 2. What happens to a client if it looses network connectivity to all
> servers (file, database)? Can it still use the data in its local cache?
No. It will eventually time out and the cache becomes invalid. All
accesses to /afs will timeout.
> 3. Any tips on setting up "dataless" linux clients?
MIT does it; the MIT/Athena archicture is all about dataless clients.
When there is a problem, just re-install to a known configuration.
All user data is stored in AFS. Do you have specific questions?
> We are inverstigating using Linux (Redhat 7.2 and Debian 3.0). If this
> goes well, we will continue with Solaris 8 & 9.
I would advise against 7.2 -- at least use 7.3. RH7.3 was released in
April '02 (vs. December '01), and has a lot of patches that don't
exist for 7.2. FWIW, MIT uses 7.3 and Solaris 8, and is in the
process of upgrading to Red Hat 9 and Solaris 9.
> Thanks.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available