1.2.9 unstable ? (was [OpenAFS] inaccessibble volume - please help)
Derek Atkins
08 May 2003 17:33:14 -0400
try running rxdebug from a remote machine..
Rudolph T Maceyko <rtm@cert.org> writes:
> --On Thursday, May 08, 2003 15:45:47 -0400 Derrick J Brashear
> <shadow@dementia.org> wrote:
> > If you can reproduce it, you might try this:
> > /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr16/shadow/umount.diff
> >
> > but I don't think it fixes any hang.
> I'll try that tomorrow. I can't use cmdebug at the point where it
> hangs, since the network has already been brought down, the console is
> not available since that's where the shutdown is occurring, and init
> has terminated all of the getty processes.
> Thanks,
> Rudy
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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
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