[OpenAFS] my afs wish list
Jon Bendtsen
Fri, 09 May 2003 11:11:54 +0200
Marcus Watts wrote:
> Jon Bendtsen <jon+openafs@silicide.dk> writes:
>>Why just encrypt the data streams? Actualy i think that encrypting the
>>datastreams might not be the best option, since it would introduce extra
>>encryption/decryption, costing cputime. My suggestion is to store the
>>files (encrypted) on the server, but to the server, they are just
>>another file with a strange name. (sort of like cryptfs does). Then you
>>would let the klient do the en/de-crypting. The client probably has alot
>>more cpu power than the server, especialy if the server has to serve
>>23089233489723734 clients (or there about).
> Encrypting files on the server doesn't help you to individually encrypt
the encryption would be done at the client
> it for each user. If a given file is encrypted under one key for all
> users, then you get nasty problems. With symmetric encryption, if you can
each user has his/hers own key. Groups has keys as well.
> decrypt something, then you can also encrypt your own stuff using the same key.
> Perhaps you would like to use assymetric encryption - but that has its own
> problems in terms of slowness and &etc. If you can describe and solve all
i was thinking of using assymetric keys to encrypt a key-chain, and then
use symetric encryption on the files, storing the keys in the key-chain.
> the problems, it could make for an interesting paper. But I think you face
i might make that
> some formidable problems in terms of key management and all. You will
yes, key management is a big part of the problem, especialy because i
suggest having so many keys.
> definitely end up with completely different client and server code than AFS
> if you do this.
i dont think so. The client is a little different, and the server just
has a key-managing service as well.