[OpenAFS] renewing token under X11

Nathan Ward nward@esphion.com
Tue, 13 May 2003 09:54:06 +1200

I have a script that runs behind my X session that checks for kerberos 
ticket expiration being in the next 10 minutes and alerts the user with a 
"shall we go get more tickets and tokens" Ok/no box which on Ok calls 

I also have the screensaver get new tickets/tokens when it unblanks.

Seems to do the trick.

24 hours without locking your screen.. so 24hrs at your PC...? Thats 

On 12 May 2003 23:46:17 +0200, Daniel Swärd <excds@kth.se> wrote:

> On Mon, 2003-05-12 at 23:37, Chris Majewski wrote:
>> Since my AFS  token expires every 24 hours (or so??),  every once in a
>> while a process will try to write to AFS space and fail. I'm on a
>> Linux box. How do all y'all deal with this? In my mind's eye I see a
>> daemon running that  pops up an authentication window  when it notices 
>> an
>> attempt to access  unauthenticated AFS space. I guess  some people use
>> the pam  module and a screen locker,  but sometimes I go  more than 24
>> hours without  locking my screen.  Guess that's not secure  enough for
>> AFS, is it...
> "Oh, I can't access my filesystem anymore. I'll just get new
> tokens/tickets then.!
> kinit
> aklog
> Then you probably should have an open terminal all the time as well.
> 	/Daniel

Nathan Ward
Esphion Ltd.