[OpenAFS] the AFS Client service is stopping... (never)
David Bear
Tue, 13 May 2003 16:31:28 -0700
since reply to this is rather quiet I thought I'd give it a try
On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 02:20:05PM +0200, jkeinert@email.de wrote:
> Yet, it's not working poperly and telling me:
> "The AFS Client is not configured properly, or the AFS Client service is not running.
you need to make sure you have an existing cellserv.db file (can be
called anything you want) and a thiscell file. (i've not yet been
able to test dynroot)
> Use the Advanced tab to start the AFS Client service."
> When I do this, both "Start Service" and "Stop Service" buttons are not active.
> I press "Configure AFS Client"
avoid the gui. Try to use the command line net commands to start and
stop the service.
net stop "ibm afs client"
net start "ibm afs client"
I generally get a more meaningfull error message there.
try these and let me see the output.
David Bear
phone: 480-965-8257
fax: 480-965-9189
College of Public Programs/ASU
Wilson Hall 232
Tempe, AZ 85287-0803
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