[OpenAFS] two replicated servers

matias morawicki mmora@barcala.ing.unlp.edu.ar
Mon, 19 May 2003 22:03:20 -0300

Hi all, I'm trying to set up a two servers configuration with replicated
volumes. I want to be able offer the same resources (except homes) even if one
machine fails. 
I've both servers running normally with all volumes I want replicated, but I've
read in the documentation that with this configuration (two servers) Ubik may
fail if one of the servers is down, since the cannot elect the main server. Is
that correct or I've misread something? Is it possible to have such a configuration?

Another thing. I'd like to have a semi-recent replica (one day old, one week
old) of the home directories in case the main server fails, even if it's a
read-only volume. I've been thinking that maybe it's possible to make a "vos
release" of them daily (at midnight for instance) and configure the clients to
"prefer" the main server (R/W volume) in normal situations. In this case, only
if the main server fails I can use the "old" and R/O copy of the secondary server. 

I'm all ears. Thanks a lot.

Matias Morawicki
Network Administrator
Facultad de Ingenieria
Universidad Nacional de La Plata

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