[OpenAFS] Disabling AFS Auto-login in Windows

Rodney M Dyer rmdyer@uncc.edu
Fri, 10 Oct 2003 10:53:53 -0400

At 08:27 AM 10/10/2003 -0400, Richard Eggert II wrote:

>Is there any way to stop the Windows AFS client from automatically trying 
>to log into AFS when the user logs into Windows?  My Windows and AFS 
>usernames don t match up, so the auto-login always fails.  At best this 
>results in an annoying delay, and at worst a fatal blue screen of death.

Um, this has been addressed at least several times on this list.  The least 
you could have done is searched the list for your answer.  Do we need to 
create an FAQ?

Here's the answer one-more-time...

This is caused by having AFS Logon Authentication enabled at startup.  You 
go into control panel and run the AFS config tool to change that.  If that 
is failing then you  need to look at two things.

The following registry keys turn on logon authentication...



So turning off logon authentication would be...



That is about it.


Rodney M. Dyer
Windows Systems Programmer
Mosaic Computing Group
William States Lee College of Engineering
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Email: rmdyer@uncc.edu
Web: http://www.coe.uncc.edu/~rmdyer
Phone (704)687-3518
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