[OpenAFS] Debian setup problems - remote pioctl failed

Matt Weatherford mbw@u.washington.edu
Thu, 23 Oct 2003 11:25:57 -0700


I apologize for the multiple posting recently, Im still stuck,
and hope someone can give me the missing piece I need to continue
my afs installation efforts on debian.

Ive been searching the archives and whatnot and have not found any
resolution to this pioctl issue. If theres somewhere Ive neglected
to look, please indicate.

Where I am getting hung up, at the moment, is on the aklog command:

dali:/usr/local/etc/openafs# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: root/admin@REALM.CSDE.WASHINGTON.EDU

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
10/23/03 11:01:21  10/23/03 21:01:21 
         renew until 10/23/03 21:02:01
10/23/03 11:01:23  10/23/03 21:01:21 
         renew until 10/23/03 21:02:01

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
klist: You have no tickets cached

/* ** my Kerb tickets look good ** */

dali:/usr/local/etc/openafs# aklog -d
Authenticating to cell csde.washington.edu (server 
We've deduced that we need to authenticate to realm 
Getting tickets: afs/csde.washington.edu@REALM.CSDE.WASHINGTON.EDU

Warning: Remote pioctl to dali.csde.washington.edu has failed 
Warning: Remote pioctl to dali.csde.washington.edu has failed 
Warning: Remote pioctl to dali.csde.washington.edu has failed 

Ive got my kerberos tickets, and Im running the 524 daemon on the
remote KDC....

 From running STRACE on the "aklog" command, it looks like the
aklog command is trying to connect to the local machine,
(not the address, but its "real" ip address) on port
7009... the "remote cache manager" service, according to the
/etc/services file....

Is aklog trying to contact some local service that I dont have
running yet? If so, how do I get this service to start up?

I am running all the AFS stuff, here is my ps output:

root      1092     1  0 09:47 ?   00:00:00 [kjournald]
root      1563     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/sbin/bosserver
root      1569  1563  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/ptserver
root      1571  1563  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 usr/lib/openafs/vlserver
root      1573  1563  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1574  1563  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/volserver
root      1575  1573  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1576  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1577  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1578  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1579  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1580  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1581  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1582  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1583  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1584  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1585  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1586  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1587  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1588  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1589  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1590  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1591  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1592  1575  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver
root      1608     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afs_rxlistener]
root      1609     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afs_callback]
root      1610     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afs_rxevent]
root      1612     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afsd]
root      1616     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afs_checkserver]
root      1617     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afs_background]
root      1618     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afs_background]
root      1620     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afs_background]
root      1622     1  0 10:48 ?   00:00:00 [afs_cachetrim]
root      1684   292  0 11:19 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef

dali:/usr/local/etc/openafs# apt-show-versions | grep openafs
openafs-fileserver/testing uptodate 1.2.9-2
openafs-dbserver/testing uptodate 1.2.9-2
openafs-client/testing uptodate 1.2.9-2
openafs-krb5/testing uptodate 1.3-10
openafs-modules-source/testing uptodate 1.2.9-2

Marcus Watts wrote:
> Matt Weatherford <mbw@u.washington.edu> writes:
>>Message-ID: <3F96EF21.4040806@u.washington.edu>
>>From: Matt Weatherford <mbw@u.washington.edu>
>>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20030925
>>Cc: openafs-info@openafs.org
>>References: <3F945C2F.9080102@u.washington.edu> <tsl1xt7h5sv.fsf@mit.edu>
>>Im having lots of trouble getting the setup under debian to work
>>... Im getting bound up in afs-newcell (protection database exists 
>>errors) or in afs-rootvol (fs:'/afs': Connection timed out, Failed: 256)
> ...
> You might want to use "script" to save output from running several
> of these and report this as a bug to the debian folks.  They
> can't fix things if they don't know that they're broken.
> My guess is that Sam Hartman will be very interested in your problem.
> As a completely separate path, you could also investigate setting
> things up without the handy scripts.  It's a bit more work, but
> it does expose you to the various pieces much more closely.
> Here's my notes for
> 	/afs/umich.edu/user/m/d/mdw/wp/uniq.2y
> this includes debian specific details so might be easy to follow.  On
> the other hand, the bits aren't necessarily well explained and might be
> out of date or otherwise quirky, so it may be hard to follow.  One of
> the pieces here that may be hardest to follow is running "pt_util" --
> that's a handy trick borrowed from the afs-newcell script.  pt_util has
> a really tricky syntax and confusing messages.
> Yet another thing to consider -- the afs-rootvol script probably
> requires that it be run on an afs client that has your cell available,
> and may not be smart enough to ensure that this is so on its own.
> You might be trying to run this on a db server where you (quite
> correctly) don't expect to run a cache manager.  An easy fix therefore
> would be to bring up the cache manager before running that piece.
> Of course, if you don't have a root volume this may be hard.
> Looks like there's a "prerequisites" notice that says all this.
> One way to work around
> the need to have a running cache manager is to do a vos restore.  Of
> course that presents a chicken and the egg problem in that you
> would need a suitable "vos dump" file from which to restore.
> A slightly more clever "afs-rootvol" script could either contain
> a suitable generic "root vol" vos dump, or perhaps a perl script or
> C program that generates a suitably customized vos dump.
> This would completely eliminate the need to run a cache manager
> to bring up your cell.
> 				-Marcus

Matt Weatherford
Unix Administration
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
218H Raitt Hall, Box 353412
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA, 98195         206-685-5346