[OpenAFS] blank view of an slavaged volume(offline->online) through its mount point

Hongliang Gai hgai@ecs.syr.edu
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 09:51:46 -0500 (EST)

Hi All:
  I had experienced a problem with afs 1.2.2a on Redhat 7.0. One of my
user suddenly could not access its afs home directory.After I examined the
afs server, I found his volume appeared offline, though its backup volume
is online. I followed openafs doc to salvage the offline volume, then it's
back online. However, after the user cd to his home director, the
directory is empty. I tried remount the volume to the directory. It does
say that dir is the mount point to the volume. The size of the volume
shows as before, 3G. Looks like the volume is ok. But cannot let user see
it. How to fix it?

Thanks in advance,
