David Botsch dwb7@ccmr.cornell.edu
Thu, 10 Jun 2004 11:19:02 -0400


We have also noted, since upgrading to kerb5 (yes, it worked!) in our 
kerberos kdc logs, something strange:

attempts to authenticate as principal:

sometimes some junk follows the pass, sometimes not. Sometimes the 
instance portion of the principal is set to "4".

Any ideas?

We've seen this for a couple users on a couple of computers we don't 
manage as also for user SMSCliToknAcct on a few of the computers we do 
manage (all running 1.2.8a client).


On 2004.06.10 11:06 Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> David Botsch wrote:
>> We've noted some authentication attempts in our kerberos logs as 
>> user OPENAFS-KDC-PROBE. Any idea what these are?
> OpenAFS for Windows afscreds.exe has detected a change in the local 
> network configuration of the machine.  The machine
> has no Kerberos credentials and hence no AFS tickets.  If the probe 
> succeeds, the user is prompted to obtain AFS credentials.
> This feature is controlled via the -N parameter passed to 
> afscreds.exe.
> MIT KFW 2.6 has a similar feature for Leash32.exe

David William Botsch
Consultant/Advisor II
CCMR Computing Facility