[OpenAFS] afsd: Can't mount AFS on /afs(22)

Grant Williamson traxtopel@fastmail.fm
Sun, 14 Nov 2004 19:08:50 +0100

    sounds like your CellServDB is incomplete or cannot be read.

Derek Atkins wrote:

>Ron Croonenberg <ronc@DePauw.edu> writes:
>>Hello all,
>>I removed all rpm's from the "test" machine I have for OpenAFS. I was running
>>the 1.2.11 rpm's. I downloaded the 1.2.13 rpm's and installed them.
>>when I start the service (using service afs start) I get :
>>[root@neptune etc]# service afs start
>>Found libafs-2.4.21-4.EL-i686.mp.o from SymTable... Loading...
>>Starting AFS services.....
>>afsd: All AFS daemons started.
>>afsd: Can't mount AFS on /afs(22)
>>any suggestions ?
>You don't say what version you're running.  It sounds like RHEL3,
>but it'd nice to say.  ;)
>Just for kicks, can you run 'lsmod' and see if libafs is loaded?
>If not, can you run:
>   insmod -f /usr/vice/etc/modload/libafs-2.4.21-4.EL-i686.mp.o
>and copy any errors here?  If _THAT_ works, then it's purely a
>configuration issue.