[OpenAFS] Fwd: your OpenAFS posting

Ron Croonenberg ronc@depauw.edu
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 12:39:15 EST

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From: Ron Croonenberg <ronc@depauw.edu>
Subject: Fwd: your OpenAFS posting
To: OpenAFS-info@openafs.org
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Apparently there's someone who experienced similar problems with windows clients
and a second afs server/cell.

I attached the msg....

any ideas or comments ?


     Thomas Edison gets an idea, and his brother Timmy says,
     "Hey, what's that thing over your head?
 Ron Croonenberg               | Phone: 1 765 658 4761
 Technology Coordinator        | Fax:   1 765 658 4732
 Department of ComputerScience | e-mail : ronc@DePauw.edu
 DePauw University             |
 Julian Science & Math Center  |
 602 South College Ave.        |
 Greencastle, IN  46135        |

From: Ron Croonenberg <ronc@depauw.edu>

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From: Allen Moy <amoy@ust.hk>
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Subject: your OpenAFS posting
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I found, by google, your posting 

    [OpenAFS] still problem with windows client

I recently setup, for the first time, an afs 
fileserver on a Linux machine running debian.  
The afs cell can be accessed from Linux and Windows 
clients.  When I repeated the installation process 
on a second machine to solidify my new knowledge, 
I discovered that the 2nd afs cell was accessible 
from Linux clients, but not accessible from Windows 

After much confusion, I realized that both machines 
had two IP numbers (for internal and external networks).
In the case of the 1st machine, the external IP number 
is assigned to eth0, and the afs fileserver is assigned 
to this IP number.  In the 2nd case, the external IP number 
is assigned to eth1, and so is the afs fileserver.  

When I did a 
  vos examine root.cell
on the properly working 1st machine, it showed the root.cell
had an assigned machine name which matched the external 
machine name on eth0.

The same 
  vos examine root.cell  
on the 2nd machine showed the root.cell to be assigned to 
the machine name of the internal interface eth0. 

On the troubled 2nd machine, I edited files to turn off 
the configuration of eth0 at boot, and then reboot.  
After reboot, 
  vos examine root.cell
showed an assignment of root.cell to the machine name of 
the external eth1 interface.  Most importantly, Windows 
client access started working.

If your troubled afs fileserver machine has two network 
interfaces, the cause of the Windows client problem may 
be the same as mine.

Allen Moy