[OpenAFS] clarification on client caches

Wes Chow wes@woahnelly.net
Tue, 7 Sep 2004 16:00:55 -0400

> so what's different:

3 cases...

Debian Sarge with custom compiled vanilla 2.4.27 kernel.  MEDIUM
options with initial cache size of 50 gigs -- afsd segfaults

Same Debian Sarge with MEDIUM options with initial cache size of 50
megs.  After boot, resize to 50 gigs -- working

CentOS (RHEL 3) with Redhat 2.4.21-9.0.1.EL.c0smp.  MEDIUM options
with initial cache of 50 gigs. -- working

What variations might be useful to try?


http://www.woahnelly.net/~wes/          OpenPGP key = 0xA5CA6644
fingerprint = FDE5 21D8 9D8B 386F 128F  DF52 3F52 D582 A5CA 6644