[OpenAFS] AFS Backup

shoker@xtra.co.nz shoker@xtra.co.nz
Wed, 9 Feb 2005 14:06:13 +1300

Hi all 

I have some afs backup related questions hope somebody here can help me

Q1. I am backing 5 servers over a  cycle of 20 days on day 1 Iam doing level 0 and incremental there after e.g. 
day2=> /0/1
so on upto /0/1/2/3/...../20 and again after 20 days /0 again. keeping this in mind, I couldn't get answer to the follwing in afs manual. 

a) What are the potential drawback of this setup ? apart from restoring requires all the restore from previous tapes. That should'nt matter because My tapes are quite large and my library can load the tapes as required? Is there anything else to  worry about ?

b) What will happen to the volumes if they are moved to another server. I have 5 servers and volumesets are created like 
server=user1  part=".*"   Volumes=".*\.backup" 
server=user2  part=".*"   Volumes=".*\.backup" 
server=user3  part=".*"   Volumes=".*\.backup" 
server=user4  part=".*"   Volumes=".*\.backup" 
server=user5  part=".*"   Volumes=".*\.backup" 

c) I have seen that if the volume is moved in the middle of the backup cycle "between /0 to .../30" afs treats the moved volume as a new one and dumps it as full "/0". How will this affect the restore ?

d) Is it possible to have 2 set of backups? i.e. dumping the same volumes twice on 2 diffrent tape cordinators (for redundancy purpose) The problem is if you restore with `backup diskrestore` it tries to restore  from the recent dump how can you tell butc to restore from a perticular dumpid. ar from the desired tape 

e) Is it allowed to append  /0 dump on an existing tape. My understanding is you can append the dump  to any afs tape provided that,If its an incremental dump the parent dump should exist in the backup database Am I right ?

Thanks for your help in advance 
