[OpenAFS] Re: releasing volumes automatically

Mike Polek mike@pictage.com
Thu, 10 Feb 2005 09:59:59 -0800

Hi, all,
   It occurs to me that if I just want to have backups available
to users so that they can access what their directory looked like
yesterday, then using vos backupsys and mounting the backup volumes
with a symlink in the home directory can be very effective.
If I also want the redundancy so that if the server that houses
the RW volume for the home directory is down, they can still access
the backup copy, then I have to resort to releasing readonly copies.
   I'm wondering how challenging it would be to have an equivalent
of vos backupsys for doing releases? vos releasesys? Basically I'd
want the volume set definitions to be available to the vos releasesys
command, and it would do essentially the same thing as vos backupsys,
except it would do the equivalent of vos release instead of vos backup.
It would make this kind of thing that many people have hacked up custom
scripts for extremely easy. In theory, a good chunk of the code should
be already written and only need to be tweaked, right? Just a thought.
Is it worth getting the enhancement request into the wish list somehow?

Take care,

 >Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 10:55:26 +0100
 >From: Marco Spatz <marco.spatz@icido.de>
 >Organization: IC:IDO
 >To: openafs-info@openafs.org
 >Subject: [OpenAFS] releasing volumes automatically
 >I've set up an OpenAFS und a 4 machines cluster, and have made replicas
 >of the user's home volumes. I know, that generally, this is a bad idea,
 >but I want to use this as backup the user can access without my help
 >(I've mounted the readonly volumes to another mountpoint).
 >And now I want the AFS system to release this volumes at night, but I
 >don't know how to this. Thought about writing a cronjob, but I don't
 >know how do gain access as admin to get the rights to execute 'vos release'.
 >Is there any possibility to tell OpenAFS to release certain (or all)
 >changed volumes at a certain time? Would be a great help.
 >Thanks for your help,