[OpenAFS] Roaming Profiles on AFS

Rodney M Dyer rmdyer@uncc.edu
Sun, 09 Jan 2005 02:36:16 -0500

At 01:48 AM 1/9/05, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>When a profile cannot be updated on the network it is left on the local 
>hard disk.  Simply perform a recursive directory listing of the profile 
>directory and look for any filenames which are not entirely ASCII. In 
>other words, if they are non-latin characters or contain accents the 
>filenames should be considered suspect.

But he's getting access denied just creating the profile directory at logout.

USERENV(170.174) 14:13:24:551 UnloadUserProfileP:  Copying profile back to 
USERENV(170.174) 14:13:24:631 UnloadUserProfileP: Roaming profile directory 
does not exist.
USERENV(170.174) 14:13:24:641 CreateSecureDirectory: Entering with 
USERENV(170.174) 14:13:24:641 CreateNestedDirectory:  CreateDirectory 
failed with 5.
USERENV(170.174) 14:13:24:641 CreateSecureDirectory: Failed to created the 
directory <N:\cell\path\to\profile>
USERENV(170.174) 14:13:24:641 UnloadUserProfileP: CreateSecureDirectory 
failed to create roaming profile directory.

If he could read the profile directory on logon I don't know why he would 
be denied writing it at logout unless his token was missing.

Question Christos, can you logon as administrator, obtain a token as the 
user, then xcopy/robocopy the contents of the failed profile directory out 
into AFS manually?
