[OpenAFS] RE: Documentation Project

ted creedon tcreedon@easystreet.com
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 09:09:35 -0800

The Admin Guide, User's Guide and Quick Beginnings Guide (*nix) are TeXified
and ready for proofing. 

So far, the results look very good, if I do say so...

The Quick Beginnings has an ifthenelse to extract Linux only or text for all

Who do I send this to, who wants to proof read, and can I get some
additions/updates and how to's?

Updates can be in any format, rough TeX is preferred. Don't worry if it
doesn't compile, I can fix that. LateX carps at #, _, etc....

Screen shots would be OK.

Kudo's to Renato for the rough conversion from HTML.

Ted Creedon