[OpenAFS] More on bosserver failures / Suse 9x

Steve Devine sdevine@msu.edu
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:21:31 -0500

Original Problem
Suse 9.0 running OpenAfs 1.2.13
Every  24~25 days the bosserver and volserver quits running and a reboot 
is required.
This even affects my db server which is not running any fileserver 

Latest tests:
1. Running one server Suse 9.0 with newer version of OpenAfs 1.3.78
Still failed at 25 day mark.
One difference is the volservers kept running.

2. Running one server Suse9.2 with with newer version of OpenAfs 1.3.78
Still failed at 25 day mark.
Volservers kept running.

So far the only 'fix' for this is to "bos setrestart " them  for a set 
time every week.
I doesn't matter what the load is on these machines the bosserver checks 
out somewhere around the 24th day and 22 ~24th hour.


Steve Devine
Storage Systems
Academic Computing & Network Services
Michigan State University

301 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

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- Yogi Berra