[OpenAFS] Openafs 1.4.0-rc7 Success on Redhat Enterprise 4
Derek Atkins
Mon, 24 Oct 2005 17:23:37 -0400
Quoting Charles Duffy <cduffy@spamcop.net>:
> Karl E. Kelley wrote:
>> There would also probably be some disruption due to having
>> separate rpms for each kernel version as well, this doesn't cause a problem
>> manually installing the rpms, but it is likely to cause at least
>> many warnings
>> from up2date, which will want to install the latest rpm, and if the system
>> doesn't have the latest kernel installed, up2date will complain.
> It almost sounds like it might be interesting to try to build a DKMS
> package for OpenAFS to automate this process [installing a
> precompiled binary for the active kernel if available, compiling one
> if not].
One could certainly posit a return to the "single RPM of all kernel modules"
approach. It all depends on the target audience of the RPMs.
Considering that
up2date will also install updated kernels I see little reason to not
put all the
openafs modules there, too. I mean, how does up2date deal with the various
redhat-distributed LKM RPMs?
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
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