[OpenAFS] bosserver death

Steve Devine sdevine@msu.edu
Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:22:16 -0400

Miles Davis wrote:

>On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 07:05:19PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
>>Miles Davis <miles@CS.Stanford.EDU> writes:
>>>Wow, bosserver just died on every single one of my AFS servers running 
>>>1.2.13 within the past hour. 1.3.x servers seem to be ok. My bad luck, 
>>>or another counter bug?
>>We're running 1.2.13 and everything looks fine so far here.
>Bugger. Wish I had more info, but of course bosserver died silently. On 
>a few of the systems, volserver died with it, which reminds me of an 
>old problem I and some others had on earlier 1.3.x's. Assuming Mike 
>Newton hasn't found some Rx killer plugin for nessus, I'll just hope for 
>the best as I sit here and watch the callback breaks. :)
I had this over and over again running 1.2.13 on Suse9.0
turned out to be a wierd bug that killed the bosservers after a set 
number of seconds had elapsed. (23 ~24 days)
Here is the bug id .. don't know if the link is still good.
However upgrading to 1.3.82 fixed it.

Steve Devine
Storage Systems
Academic Computing & Network Services
Michigan State University

301 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

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- Yogi Berra