[OpenAFS] BreakDelayedCallbacks FAILED still an issue

John W. Sopko Jr. sopko@cs.unc.edu
Wed, 19 Apr 2006 07:39:22 -0400

I am still not clear on this. Is this fixed on the SERVER side
in 1.4.1? That is not let a client with port 7001 blocked
take down the entire AFS cell?

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Jim Rees wrote:
>> The openafs client is not to blame.  Something is blocking the callbacks.
>> It's not a nat, because the client is at port 7001.  My guess is the Windows
>> firewall.  If not, then some other firewall.
> one of the bugs that has been fixed in 1.4.1 was that the server would
> continue to attempt to break callbacks on port 7001 even if the client
> moved to a different port number.
> If there is no NAT involved in this picture, then as Jim says it
> probably is the Windows firewall.    This can be fixed either by the
> user manually adjusting the firewall rules or by installing 1.4.0 or
> 1.4.1 (final) on the machine.
> Jeffrey Altman

John W. Sopko Jr.               University of North Carolina
email: sopko AT cs.unc.edu      Computer Science Dept., CB 3175
Phone: 919-962-1844             Sitterson Hall; Room 044
Fax:   919-962-1799             Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175