[OpenAFS] BreakDelayedCallbacks FAILED still an issue

John W. Sopko Jr. sopko@cs.unc.edu
Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:46:07 -0400

Now that I think about it, when I was tracing down the problem
I do remember I definitely ran rxdebug to get the client version
from one of the afs servers that was having the problem.
I distinctly remember it being version 1.3.77 as I reported
originally since "rxdebug 7001 -ver" is how
I got the version. I never logged into the machine to get
the windows client version, I just powered the darn thing
down and poof our afs servers started working normally again.

As far as I am concerned this is solved unless you want
some more info. My goal is to upgrade the servers to the release
version of 1.4.1 when it is ready. I have to wait anyway until mid May
when the semester is over here . Last time this happened was a year
ago or so and I thought this was fixed in 1.4.0 which I am running.
Thanks for you input/help.

John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
> The AFS client is turned off now until someone gets around to
> upgrading. I wear many hats, we have 500+ windows machines
> and a staff  to support them. I manage the linux/unix
> servers and desktops I do not like to mess with there stuff other
> then cases like this. Thanks for your help. I am sure the
> 1.4 windows client will work and I have pushed them many times
> to upgrade all systems to the latest windows client.
> Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>> Are you sure?   I ask because I can ping but I can't
>> "rxdebug 7001 -ver".   Please confirm that you are
>> able to run rxdebug against the client.
>> Jeffrey Altman
>> John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
>>> I verified the "bad" client system configuration. It has
>>> UDP/TCP port 7001 opened in Windows Firewall and is not
>>> running any other firewall software.
>>> Of course we will upgrade the client, just FYI.
>>> Jim Rees wrote:
>>>> Your primary problem is the firewalled client.  This is not an afs
>>>> bug, it's
>>>> a problem with your network.  You must fix this.  If you don't you
>>>> will have
>>>> file system delays and cache inconsistency.  There is also a secondary
>>>> problem, that this one misbehaving client can bring down your entire
>>>> cell.
>>>> This is a bug in afs.  You should fix this by upgrading your server to
>>>> 1.4.1.

John W. Sopko Jr.               University of North Carolina
email: sopko AT cs.unc.edu      Computer Science Dept., CB 3175
Phone: 919-962-1844             Sitterson Hall; Room 044
Fax:   919-962-1799             Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175