[OpenAFS] Fedora4 on i686

Peter M. Metcalf pmetcalf@nd.edu
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:37:45 -0500

I've managed to get a "new machine" to look like an old one that I already 
have running AFS on.  All directories and files for AFS are looking normal.
On boot the attempt to start "client" fails because  module did not get loaded.
If I run 'afsd' manually....I get:

Adding cell 'ethz.ch': error -1
Adding cell 'epfl.ch': error -1
Adding cell 'ams.cern.ch': error -1
Adding cell 'cern.ch': error -1
Adding cell 'itp.tugraz.at': error -1
Adding cell 'hephy.at': error -1
Adding cell 'wu-wien.ac.at': error -1
Adding cell 'grand.central.org': error -1
afsd: No check server daemon in client.
afsd: All AFS daemons started.
afsd: Can't mount AFS on /afs(19)

This of course is the bottom of a long list that looks the same.

I'm stumped as to what I've missed in the "new'" install of AFS.