[OpenAFS] Memory leak with 1.4.1 modules on Linux 2.6.16

Mathias Feiler feiler@uni-hohenheim.de
Wed, 26 Jul 2006 17:08:54 +0200 (MET DST)

On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Jose Calhariz wrote:

|On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 11:32:24PM -0700, Caskey L. Dickson wrote:
|> You have created a cycle in your filesystem tree.  Unix tools assume
|> that the structure of the file system is a tree in the ADT sense, name=
|> an acyclic directed graph.  (Thus the default prohibition of making ha=
|> links to directories.)
|> The path /afs/cell/dir/new_cells/cell/dir/new_cells/cell... produces a=
|> infinitely deep tree.
|I know that was my mistake.
|My problem is why the openafs modules consumed all the free RAM on
|the client?  Don't the openafs client or the modules have protections
|in place to prevent following infinity cycles in the path?
|Can it be possible for a normal user to create this kind of infinity
|cycles in the path?  And this way to cause a DoS on a multi-user
|server that is client of AFS?

A kinde of YES!

My colleague  injected  this one
(He just passed me the link, so don't blame me.)

Which actually "substitudes/simulates" the infinitiv directory loop.
Linux 2.6 with Openafs 1.4 crashes, while Linux 2.4 or with Openafs 1.2.*
does not.

On the other hand , user are allowd to mount volumes at their own.....

|> CLD
|    Jose Calhariz
|Devo, n=E3o pago. Nego enquanto puder.

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Hochachtungsvoll und mit freundlichen Gruessen   M.Feiler

Computer: Es gibt nur 10 Arten von Menschen -
solche die es begreifen und dann noch die andern.

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