[OpenAFS] backup file size limit

Andrew Bacchi bacchi@rpi.edu
Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:02:37 -0400

I just finished my first complete level 0 backup to a disk file, and a 
new file is created when the current file reaches 100G.  I did not 
expect to see this, is it the normal behavior?  Can I overcome this 
limit - dork around in the butc code?   I didn't see anything in the 
Admin Guide about a limit.  Thanks.

100G  /tmpbu/A-user.summer.1_1149528765
100G  /tmpbu/A-user.summer.2_1149528765
100G  /tmpbu/A-user.summer.3_1149528765
 24G  /tmpbu/A-user.summer.4_1149528765

100G  /tmpbu/A-dept.summer.1_1149568820
16G  /tmpbu/A-dept.summer.2_1149568820

veritatis simplex oratio est
		- Seneca

Andrew Bacchi
Staff Systems Programmer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
phone: 518 276-6415  fax: 518 276-2809
