[OpenAFS] Linux afs client suggestions.

ted creedon tcreedon@easystreet.com
Wed, 8 Nov 2006 08:25:59 -0800

SuSE is a well developed and integrated package. All that is needed is the
desktop version for $50+bucks, unlimited usage.

OpenAFS works well with SuSE and development fixes are typically 24 hour

It's a small price to pay for something that works. And Novell is protected
from future MS infringement claims.


-----Original Message-----
From: openafs-info-admin@openafs.org [mailto:openafs-info-admin@openafs.org]
On Behalf Of Steve Devine
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 7:51 AM
To: OpenAFS-Info
Subject: [OpenAFS] Linux afs client suggestions.

For years we have maintained classroom 'gateway' boxes that ran an afs
client and exported user space via samba.
These machines were always Suns of some flavor running Solaris.
Now we have been mandated to migrate to x86  and we have been
experimenting with different Linux OS's.
We would very much like an OS that will keep the afs client in sync with
the kernel.
We thought we were ok with Suse but the 10.1 release doesn't include the
client rpms.
I know that we can get Fedora rpms from openafs but I question how
closely they follow the kernel releases.
How is Debian, Ubuntu , Slackware , Mandriva  in this regard? Would we
get better results with Red Hat Enterprise?
What are the experiences of others? We maintain over 100 of these
machines all over campus and while we can clone and rebuild over the net
it would be more convenient if we could just keep the boxes patched
without having to replace the afs client with every kernel update.

Steve Devine
Network Storage and Printing
Academic Computing & Network Services
Michigan State University

506 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

Baseball is ninety percent mental; the other half is physical.
- Yogi Berra 

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