[OpenAFS] Linux afs client suggestions.

Dan Pritts danno@internet2.edu
Wed, 8 Nov 2006 15:16:38 -0500

On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 10:50:39AM -0500, Steve Devine wrote:
> I know that we can get Fedora rpms from openafs but I question how
> closely they follow the kernel releases.
> How is Debian, Ubuntu , Slackware , Mandriva  in this regard? Would we
> get better results with Red Hat Enterprise?

You'll have much more reasonable results with RHEL (or centos) than
with fedora in general - you'll not have to dork around with frequently
rebuilding the machines when fedora stops issuing patches.  Far as i
can tell the "fedora legacy" project is barely on life support; don't
count on them for anything.

openafs.org won't necessarily issue RPMs for each and every RHEL point
kernel release but rebuilding and making your own is not too hard; you'd
just have to build your own openafs-kernel rpms that contained the module
for the newest point release, put the new RPMs in a yum repo, and tell
up2date (or yum if you went centos) where that yum repo was.

Dan Pritts, System Administrator
office: +1-734-352-4953 | mobile: +1-734-834-7224