[OpenAFS] Active Directory 2003, kerberos 5, openAFS - rxkad error=19270407, arghhhh

John W. Sopko Jr. sopko@cs.unc.edu
Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:45:19 -0500


eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # cat /usr/afs/etc/krb.conf

I tried making it lower case, restarting afs and
that did not work either.

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> cs.unc.edu != mse.unccs.test
> Do you have the Kerberos realm specified in the
>   afs/etc/krb.conf
> file?
> John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
>> Getting close, I can feel it:
>> Verify Windows service account:
>> -------------------------------
>> C:\temp>setspn -L afs
>> Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=afs service
>> principal,CN=Users,DC=mse,DC
>> =unccs,DC=test:
>>     afs/cs.unc.edu
>> Change the Windows afs domain user password to a known password, this
>> increments the kvno from 4 to 5. This is verified below.
>> Create /usr/afs/etc/KeyFile with kvno 5:
>> ----------------------------------------
>> ktutil:  add_entry -password -p afs/cs.unc.edu -k 5 -e des-cbc-crc
>> Password for afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST:
>> ktutil:  wkt keytab.ktutil
>> eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # asetkey add 5 keytab.ktutil
>> afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>> eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # bos listkeys eagle -localauth
>> key 5 has cksum 509175897
>> Keys last changed on Wed Jan 10 08:53:50 2007.
>> All done.
>> Get afs token and try afs access:
>> ---------------------------------
>> [sopko@eagle /]$ klist
>> klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache
>> FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_3903_015mRF)
>> Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt3903
>> klist: You have no tickets cached
>> [sopko@eagle /]$ kinit
>> Password for sopko@MSE.UNCCS.TEST:
>> [sopko@eagle /]$ klist
>> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_3903_015mRF
>> Default principal: sopko@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>> Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
>> 01/10/07 08:56:02  01/10/07 18:56:06  krbtgt/MSE.UNCCS.TEST@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>>         renew until 01/17/07 08:56:02
>> Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt3903
>> klist: You have no tickets cached
>> [sopko@eagle /]$ kvno afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>> afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST: kvno = 5
>> [sopko@eagle /]$ klist
>> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_3903_015mRF
>> Default principal: sopko@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>> Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
>> 01/10/07 08:56:02  01/10/07 18:56:06  krbtgt/MSE.UNCCS.TEST@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>>         renew until 01/17/07 08:56:02
>> 01/10/07 08:56:28  01/10/07 18:56:06  afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>>         renew until 01/17/07 08:56:02
>> Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt3903
>> klist: You have no tickets cached
>> [sopko@eagle /]$ aklog -d
>> Authenticating to cell cs.unc.edu (server eagle.cs.unc.edu).
>> We've deduced that we need to authenticate to realm MSE.UNCCS.TEST.
>> Getting tickets: afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>> Using Kerberos V5 ticket natively
>> About to resolve name sopko to id in cell cs.unc.edu.
>> Id 3903
>> Set username to AFS ID 3903
>> Setting tokens. AFS ID 3903 /  @ MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>> [sopko@eagle /]$ tokens
>> Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
>> User's (AFS ID 3903) tokens for afs@cs.unc.edu [Expires Jan 10 18:56]
>>    --End of list--
>> [sopko@eagle /]$ ls /afs/cs.unc.edu/home
>> ls: /afs/cs.unc.edu/home: Permission denied
>> Jan 10 08:56:39 eagle kernel: afs: Tokens for user of AFS id 3903 for
>> cell cs.unc.edu are discarded (rxkad error=19270407)
>> eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # translate_et 19270407
>> 19270407 (rxk).7 = security object was passed a bad ticket
>> Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>>> Even assuming you wanted to kinit to your service principal
>>> you would have to so with the correct principal name
>>>   afs/cs.unc.edu@CSX.UNC.EDU != afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>>> Your default realm name is CSX.UNC.EDU, not MSE.UNCCS.TEST.
>>> However, you don't want to be able to kinit to that service
>>> principal.  What you want is to be able to obtain a service
>>> ticket for it using a client principal
>>>   kvno afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>>> obtains a service ticket for the specified principal name.
>>> Assuming the kvno is still 4 after you set the service principal
>>> name. You should try to authenticate to your AFS servers again.
>>> John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
>>>> Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>>>>> afs@MSE.UNCCS.TEST != afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>>>>> choose one and stick with it.
>>>> I am confused with Windows principals:
>>>> [sopko@eagle /]$ kinit afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST
>>>> kinit(v5): Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial
>>>> credentials
>>>> That is why I did:
>>>> [sopko@eagle /]$ kinit afs
>>>> Password for afs@MSE.UNCCS.TEST:
>>>> So I have a Windows "afs" user account that I ran:
>>>> setspn -A afs/cs.unc.edu afs
>>>> To Add/Associate a service principal to the Windows login
>>>> name.
>>>> But I cannot kinit to afs/cs.unc.edu like I can
>>>> under MIT KRB5, (my CSX.UNC.EDU linux server):
>>>> |sopko@lark:19% kinit afs/cs.unc.edu
>>>> Password for afs/cs.unc.edu@CSX.UNC.EDU:
>>>>> John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
>>>>>> Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>>>>>>> John W. Sopko Jr. wrote:
>>>>>>>> In C:\Program Files\Support Tools\ktpass
>>>>>>>> right click properties "version tab" shows 5.2.3790.1830
>>>>>>>> So use ktutil on the linux openafs server, setting the
>>>>>>>> password the same as the afs users Windows password:
>>>>>>>> eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # ktutil
>>>>>>>> ktutil:  add_entry -password -p afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST -k
>>>>>>>> 1 -e
>>>>>>>> des-cbc-crc
>>>>>>> Where did you get the key version number of 1 from?
>>>>>> When I ran the "bad" ktpass command on windows it always generates
>>>>>> kvno 1
>>>>>> by default. The ktpass /? (help) says:
>>>>>> kvno : Override Key Version Number
>>>>>>        Default: query DC for kvno.  Use /kvno 1 for Win2K compat.
>>>>>> Since this Windows 2003 server is running in 2000 mixed mode I thought
>>>>>> it forced/kept the kvno at 1 for w2k compatability. Below is the
>>>>>> output of
>>>>>> the ktpass, no matter how many times I run it it keeps the "vno"
>>>>>> at 1. I check the keytab.mse file with ktutil and it is at 1.
>>>>>> But you are right I do not know what is in the server. I did not
>>>>>> think hard enough about this.
>>>>>>> The key version number must match the number that is actually
>>>>>>> issued by the KDC.  You can identify the version number using
>>>>>>> the MIT Kerberos utility
>>>>>>>   kvno <principal>
>>>>>> I tried this to get the kvno:
>>>>>> eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # kinit afs
>>>>>> Password for afs@MSE.UNCCS.TEST:
>>>>>> eagle/root [/usr/afs/etc] # kvno afs
>>>>>> afs@MSE.UNCCS.TEST: kvno = 4
>>>>>> I then ran:
>>>>>> ktutil> add_entry -password -p afs/cs.unc.edu@MSE.UNCCS.TEST -k 4 -e
>>>>>> des-cbc-crc
>>>>>> ktutil> write_kt keytab.ktutil_generated
>>>>>> /usr/sbin/asetkey add 4 keytab.ktutil_generated afs/cs.unc.edu
>>>>>> /etc/init.d/openafs-server restart
>>>>>> I now get the same error as Eric had:
>>>>>> Jan  9 17:14:27 eagle kernel: afs: Tokens for user of AFS id 3903 for
>>>>>> cell cs.unc.edu are discarded (rxkad error=19270407)
>>>>>> Do I need to map an account like Eric did with the "mapuser" option
>>>>>> to ktpass?
>>>>>>> The key version number must match the number that is actually
>>>>>>> issued by the KDC.  You can identify the version number using
>>>>>>> the MIT Kerberos utility
>>>>>>>   kvno <principal>
>>>>>>>> cell cs.unc.edu are discarded (rxkad error=19270408)
>>>>>>> The OpenAFS translate_et <error_code> command will tell you this
>>>>>>> is because
>>>>>>>   19270408 = ticket contained unknown key version number
>>>>>>>> Windows Event Viewer, System log shows this, sometimes:
>>>>>>>> While processing a TGS request for the target server
>>>>>>>> afs/cs.unc.edu, the
>>>>>>>> account sopko@MSE.UNCCS.TEST did not have a suitable key for
>>>>>>>> generating
>>>>>>>> a Kerberos ticket (the missing key has an ID of 8). The requested
>>>>>>>> etypes
>>>>>>>> were 2.  The accounts available etypes were 3  1.
>>>>>>> What in the world is requesting a ticket with DES-CBC-MD4 ?
>>>>>>>> AM I CRAZY?
>>>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>>>> Once I get Windows AD working can I run both our current kaserver
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> Windows AD authentication against our production cs.unc.edu openafs
>>>>>>>> cell
>>>>>>>> at the same time? If I can generate afs/cs.unc.edu service pincipals
>>>>>>>> with the same password on the kaserver and the AD server will this
>>>>>>>> work?
>>>>>>>> This may be a good migration path for us. We currently have 2
>>>>>>>> password
>>>>>>>> databases, kaserver and Windows AD. When we create accounts we
>>>>>>>> use the
>>>>>>>> same user login name for both wndows and linux. Most users keep
>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>> passwords the same so logging into Windows gives them an afs token.
>>>>>>>> Even if they don't we just tell them to use their Windows password
>>>>>>>> as we migrate machine configurations.
>>>>>>>> This way we can migrate machines to authenticate to "Windows AD
>>>>>>>> only"
>>>>>>>> over a short period of time and start testing real live systems.
>>>>>>>> First I have to get Windows AD afs service pricnipal working.
>>>>>>> AFS only stores DES keys by key version number.  Ensure that your
>>>>>>> kaserver key and your AD key have different version numbers and
>>>>>>> you will be just fine.
>>>>>>> Jeffrey Altman

John W. Sopko Jr.               University of North Carolina
email: sopko AT cs.unc.edu      Computer Science Dept., CB 3175
Phone: 919-962-1844             Sitterson Hall; Room 044
Fax:   919-962-1799             Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175