[OpenAFS] How to use

"Jörg P.Pfannmöller" J.Pfannmoeller@gmx.de
Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:41:35 +0100

Hello, I want to compile openafs-1.4.2-src.tar.gz on my system (Ubuntu 6.06 Kernel 2.6.15). Therefore I need to patch the source code with openafs-1.4.2-src.diff.gz. How do I have to do that? I used the command patch -p0 openafs-1.4.2-src.diff after unpacking the diff. The source files where unpacked in the same directory as the diff, but it did not work. So long Joerg
Jörg P.Pfannmöller                                
Apfelweg 13b
17489 Greifswald

Homepage: www.pfannmoeller.de.vu                      

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