[OpenAFS] Help needed for receovery of data of inode fileserver (Solaris 10 x86)

Jeffrey Altman jaltman@secure-endpoints.com
Thu, 03 Apr 2008 23:00:35 -0400

John Tang Boyland wrote:

> (dbx) print class
> class = 1
> If it's useful, here's some more info:
> (dbx) print *vnode
> *vnode = {
>     type             = 2U
>     cloned           = 1U
>     modeBits         = 493U
>     linkCount        = 2
>     length           = 8192U
>     uniquifier       = 1U
>     dataVersion      = 166U
>     vn_ino_lo        = 21977315
>     unixModifyTime   = 1134748419U
>     author           = 1U
>     owner            = 0
>     parent           = 0
>     vnodeMagic       = 2911331838U
>     lock             = {
>         lockCount = 0
>         lockTime  = 0
>     }
>     serverModifyTime = 1134748419U
>     group            = 0
>     vn_ino_hi        = 0
>     reserved6        = 0
> }

This entry is clearly a vDirectory (type == 2) and it a vLarge vnode 
(vnodeMagic == LARGEVNODEMAGIC) but it is showing up in the file 
referenced by rwIsp->volSummary->header.smallVnodeIndex in 
SalvageVolume().  This header might be corrupted thereby referring to 
the wrong indexfile.  I won't be able to do more without closer 
inspection of the volume data.

Jeffrey Altman