[OpenAFS] 'vos' command dos not finish, file service works ok (sort of)

Andreas Hirczy ahi@itp.tugraz.at
Thu, 24 Jul 2008 13:02:19 +0200

Harald Barth <haba@kth.se> writes:

>> Just destroyed the mixed file server - db server setup. 
> Will make things easier.

Made things work :)

> I have only one addr IP addr on my db servers. You have two.

I do not have control over DNS servers, to be able to switch DB servers fast
i made these fake addresses. I intend to switch to virtual servers for these,
when openvz or Linux-VServer work with a plain vanilla kernel.

> I wonder if there is some dependency _which_one_ of these should be in
> the server CellServDB file. Any? Lowest? Probably not "all", even if
> "all" would be the reasonable thing for client CellServDB entries.

The bind to the address specified in CellServDB - I used this setup for more
than a year and never had any problems. I remember a change I made some time
ago; hacked /etc/init.d/networking to start fake right after the real
ethernet came up. Before that, the faked addresses started after

> What gain do I get from db servers with multiple interfaces? Or is
> it only complicating things and should be avoided?

I suppose with virtual DB servers I can have even more flexibility without
the need to overly complicate things.

Andreas Hirczy <ahi@itp.tugraz.at>                   http://itp.tugraz.at/~ahi/
Graz University of Technology                        phone: +43/316/873-   8190
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics     fax: +43/316/873-10 8190
Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz                         mobile: +43/664/859 23 57