[OpenAFS] Re: kmod-openafs versioning on RHEL5
Axel Thimm
Sun, 16 Mar 2008 00:22:17 +0200
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On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 04:49:48PM -0800, Darren Patterson wrote:
> After building new kmod packages for the latest RHEL5 kernel I discovered=
> that rpm is very unhappy with the naming convention. Yum refuses to=20
> install the package claiming that kmod-openafs-1.4.5- =
> newer than kmod-openafs-1.4.5- To install this=20
> package I have to use rpm with "--force".
> Red Hat updates their kernels in the above fashion regularly so I=20
> anticipate this problem will continue to crop up in the not too distant=
> future.
> Before I create my own SRPM to work around this issue, are there plans to=
> deal with this?
IMHO the kmod is flawed and what you see is the missing
uname-r-in-name part of it.
You can read more on it on
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/AxelThimm/kmdls and
Back in 2006 I tried to persuade Fedora to switch from kmods to kmdls,
that's where the above documentation on kmods stems
=66rom. Unfortunately the kmod lobby was stronger than the kmdl one.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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