[OpenAFS] when openafs becomes a windows IFS
David Bear
Thu, 4 Sep 2008 17:36:39 -0700
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Maybe with the code in place, Explorer and other file managers will catch
up... .. maybe its just wishfull thinking.
What happens if you use a cygwin bash shell and do a ls ??
On 9/4/08, Jeffrey Altman <jaltman@secure-endpoints.com> wrote:
> I added the code to the SMB Server to identify mount points and symlinks
> as reparse points. The output using 4NT/TCMD from JP Software becomes
> Directory of \\afs\athena#user.jaltman\*
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> .
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> ..
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <JUNCTION> krbdev
> [\\afs\athena#user.jaltman\krbdev]
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> Mail
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <JUNCTION> OldFiles
> [\\afs\athena#user.jaltman\OldFiles]
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> Private
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> Public
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> SysInternals
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> WinData
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> WINDOWS
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> www
> 12/31/1969 23:59 0 afsdrive.ico
> 12/31/1969 23:59 0 desktop.ini
> 12/31/1969 23:59 0 README.mail
> 12/31/1969 23:59 <SYMLINK> sysinternals
> [\\afs\athena#user.jaltman\sysinternals]
> 12/31/1969 23:59 0 welcome
> 0 bytes in 5 files and 11 dirs
> 300,320,768 bytes free
> but the cmd and explorer behaviors remain the same as if the objects
> were not marked as reparse points.
> Jeffrey Altman
David Bear
College of Public Programs at ASU
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This is EXCELLENT.<br><br>Maybe with the code in place, Explorer and other file managers will catch up... .. maybe its just wishfull thinking.<br><br>What happens if you use a cygwin bash shell and do a ls ??<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 9/4/08, <b class="gmail_sendername">Jeffrey Altman</b> <<a href="mailto:jaltman@secure-endpoints.com">jaltman@secure-endpoints.com</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-left: 0.80ex; border-left-color: #cccccc; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; padding-left: 1ex">
I added the code to the SMB Server to identify mount points and symlinks<br> as reparse points. The output using 4NT/TCMD from JP Software becomes<br><br> Directory of \\afs\athena#user.jaltman\*<br><br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> .<br>
12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> ..<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <JUNCTION> krbdev [\\afs\athena#user.jaltman\krbdev]<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> Mail<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <JUNCTION> OldFiles<br>
[\\afs\athena#user.jaltman\OldFiles]<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> Private<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> Public<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> SysInternals<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> WinData<br>
12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> WINDOWS<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 <DIR> www<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 0 afsdrive.ico<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 0 desktop.ini<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 0 README.mail<br>
12/31/1969 23:59 <SYMLINK> sysinternals<br> [\\afs\athena#user.jaltman\sysinternals]<br> 12/31/1969 23:59 0 welcome<br> 0 bytes in 5 files and 11 dirs<br> 300,320,768 bytes free<br>
<br> but the cmd and explorer behaviors remain the same as if the objects<br> were not marked as reparse points.<br><br><br> Jeffrey Altman<br><br></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>David Bear<br>College of Public Programs at ASU<br>