[OpenAFS] pam/openafs

Geoff Ransom geoffr@cs.umd.edu
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 18:31:41 -0400 (EDT)

   I am trying to set up a 1.4.10 client on RHEL 5 so that it talks to an old 
1.2 server and I can aklog to get tickets, but I can't seem to get afk tokens 
on login. I expect that I have not set up pam correctly for kerberos 5/4 
issues, but am a bit worried that there are issues with talking to such an old 
afs server.

When logging in, pam throws the following error...

   afs: Tokens for user of AFS id 3555 for cell csic.umd.edu are discarded
   (rxkad errror=19270407)

   translate_et 19270407
   19270407 (rxk).7 = security object was passed a bad ticket

I get the following tickets...

   $ klist -e
   Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_3555_KwoBNN
   Default principal: geoffr@CSIC.UMD.EDU

   Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
   08/11/09 18:16:29  08/12/09 04:16:29  krbtgt/CSIC.UMD.EDU@CSIC.UMD.EDU
         renew until 08/11/09 18:16:29, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
   CRC-32, Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1

   Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt3555_9S2HNQ
   Principal: geoffr@CSIC.UMD.EDU

     Issued              Expires             Principal
   08/11/09 18:16:29  08/12/09 04:16:29  krbtgt.CSIC.UMD.EDU@CSIC.UMD.EDU

I can aklog to get afs tickets once logged in and then I have proper AFS 
tokens with permission to access the 1.2 afs server...

   [geoffr@invincible /]$ aklog -d
   Authenticating to cell csic.umd.edu (server queasy-int.csic.umd.edu).
   Trying to authenticate to user's realm CSIC.UMD.EDU.
   Getting tickets: afs/csic.umd.edu@CSIC.UMD.EDU
   Using Kerberos V5 ticket natively
   About to resolve name geoffr to id in cell csic.umd.edu.
   Id 3555
   Set username to AFS ID 3555
   Setting tokens. AFS ID 3555 /  @ CSIC.UMD.EDU

   [geoffr@invincible /]$ klist -e
   Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_3555_KwoBNN
   Default principal: geoffr@CSIC.UMD.EDU

   Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
   08/11/09 18:16:29  08/12/09 04:16:29  krbtgt/CSIC.UMD.EDU@CSIC.UMD.EDU
         renew until 08/11/09 18:16:29, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
   CRC-32, Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1
   08/11/09 18:18:32  08/12/09 04:16:29  afs/csic.umd.edu@CSIC.UMD.EDU
         renew until 08/11/09 18:16:29, Etype (skey, tkt): DES cbc mode with
   CRC-32, DES cbc mode with CRC-32

   Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt3555_9S2HNQ
   Principal: geoffr@CSIC.UMD.EDU

     Issued              Expires             Principal
   08/11/09 18:16:29  08/12/09 04:16:29  krbtgt.CSIC.UMD.EDU@CSIC.UMD.EDU

I have played with different options, but currently have...

   auth        sufficient    pam_krb5afs.so debug use_first_pass tokens=true krb4_convert=true

in /etc/pam.d/system-auth. /etc/krb5.conf contains...

   pam = {
    debug = true
    ticket_lifetime = 36000
    renew_lifetime = 36000
    forwardable = true
    krb4_convert = true
    krb4_convert_524 = true
    krb4_use_as_req = true
    addressless = true
    afs_cells = csic.umd.edu

Can anyone suggest what the problem might be or point me at some good 
documentation on pam/afs/krb that might help?

I just saw that 1.4.11 has come out since I last downloaded openafs and will 
be trying it out. I have not had a chance to look over the changes to see if 
anything that might have affected my situation has changed.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.
