[OpenAFS] Problem with OpenAFS on Vista x86

Paul Accisano shiningmasamune@gmail.com
Thu, 01 Jan 2009 09:18:41 -0500

Derrick Brashear wrote:
> fter a reboot, with no VPN.
>> As for the issue of AFSCreds, I would very much love to ditch it for
>> Kerberos, but my college's AFS page makes no mention of it; it only gives
>> instructions on how to set up via AFSCreds, so I have no way of obtaining
>> this krb5.ini file, nor do I have any idea what to put for "realm".
> typically the realm name is the same as the cell name, but not always.
> if you're willing to tell us which college we can probably help.
Eh, I was a little worried they wouldn't like me mentioning details, but 
whatever.  The cell name is cad.njit.edu, but I tried putting that for 
realm and I got "Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested 
realm."  What is KDC, and are you sure NJIT using AFS implies they will 
be compatible with Kerberos?