[OpenAFS] Re: Trouble with libnss-afs (on amd64)

Adam Megacz megacz@hcoop.net
Tue, 07 Jul 2009 11:18:21 -0700

Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> writes:
> Adam, on Debian you want to link with -lafsauthent_pic -lafsrpc_pic.  At
> least if they're available, which for lenny may require using a backport
> since they only went in the 1.4.10 release.

I see.

Russ, as a Debian guru, can you advise me on the officially-approved
way to pick the right libraries at deb-install-time?  It's more
important that libnss-afs continue to work properly with etch's native
version of opeanfs than that it work on amd64.


  - a