[OpenAFS] Re: Configure AFS server for Windows: failed to get token for admin

Xiong Jiang linuster@gmail.com
Sun, 3 May 2009 02:09:06 -0700

I also tried to configure it as the first server for a new cell.

The first time it ends up with error 3 when setting the ACL for
root.afs. And in server configuration I can see it is configured
somehow. So I disabled all the servers and removed the volumes and
started the wizard again. This time I got following error.

Is anyone running openAFS server 1.5.59 on Windows? Could we share our
experience even it is not supported officially.


02:03:17 05/03/09:  Log file open.

02:03:17 05/03/09:  Checking this machine's current configuration...

02:03:17 05/03/09:  Is the AFS Client installed on this machine: Yes.

02:03:17 05/03/09:  The client configuration information on this host
is not valid:  (0x462b), the client's cell database contains no
database server entries for the client's cell.

Is there valid configuration information on this machine: No.

02:03:17 05/03/09:  The configuration information on this host is not
valid:  (0x460f), the minimally required server configuration
information is missing, unreadable, or invalid.

Getting handles to the cell and the config library.

02:03:17 05/03/09:  Opening a NULL cell handle to use with the client
config library handle.

02:03:17 05/03/09:  Getting config handle for the client.

02:03:17 05/03/09:  Opening a NULL cell handle to use with the server
config library handle.

02:03:17 05/03/09:  Getting config library handle for the server.

02:03:17 05/03/09:  Does a partition exist on this machine: No.

Configuring server

02:03:57 05/03/09:  Adding an AFS partition on device 'I:' with name '/vice=

02:03:57 05/03/09:  Putting this host in cell 'chris.home'.

02:03:57 05/03/09:  Stopping the client.

02:03:58 05/03/09:  Putting the AFS Client in this host's cell.

02:03:58 05/03/09:  Starting the bos server in no auth mode.

02:04:05 05/03/09:  Starting the authentication server.

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Getting credentials in cell 'chris.home' as admin 'admi=

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Getting handles to the cell and the config library.

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Opening a non-NULL cell handle to use with the
server config library handle.

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Getting unauthenticated tokens for cell 'chris.home'.

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Getting cell handle for cell chris.home.

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Getting config library handle for the server.

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Setting the AFS Principal.

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Starting the following servers: Protection
Volume Location   Backup

02:04:11 05/03/09:  Waiting for database servers to reach quorum.

02:04:23 05/03/09:  Setting Admin Principal to 'admin' and UID to 0.

02:04:23 05/03/09:  Getting credentials in cell 'chris.home' as admin 'admi=

02:04:23 05/03/09:  Getting handles to the cell and the config library.

02:04:23 05/03/09:  Opening a non-NULL cell handle to use with the
server config library handle.

02:04:23 05/03/09:  Getting tokens in cell chris.home for user 'admin'.

02:04:23 05/03/09:  Getting cell handle for cell chris.home.

02:04:23 05/03/09:  Getting config library handle for the server.

02:04:23 05/03/09:  Starting the File Server.

02:04:29 05/03/09:  Opening server chris.

02:04:29 05/03/09:  Translating the parition name '/vicepi' to an ID.

02:04:29 05/03/09:  The ID for partition '/vicepi' is 8.

02:04:29 05/03/09:  Stopping the client.

02:04:30 05/03/09:  Creating volume root.afs on partition 8 with a
quota of 5000.

02:04:30 05/03/09:  Error 0x5614 has occurred: the volume name is
already in use..

02:04:34 05/03/09:  Closing the connection to this server.

02:04:34 05/03/09:  Configuration has failed.

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 1:24 AM, Xiong Jiang <linuster@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am trying the quick start wizard to configure AFS server on Windows
> XP. It is not officially supported but i'd like to try. I got problem
> when getting principals and credentials for the admin account. On the
> linux box, the admin account is root/admin@jiang.home. I am not sure
> what I should set in the administrative account page of the wizard.
> The default name is "admin", I also tried "root/admin", "root.admin",
> but it fails for the same error.
> Do you know what could be wrong here? My openAFS is 1.5.59.
> Thanks,
> Xiong
> The error log is:
> Configuring server
> 01:16:29 05/03/09: =A0Getting CellServDB from host
> 01:16:29 05/03/09: =A0mytv.home
> 01:16:29 05/03/09: =A0Putting this host in cell 'jiang.home'.
> 01:16:29 05/03/09: =A0Starting the bos server in no auth mode.
> 01:16:30 05/03/09: =A0Getting credentials in cell 'jiang.home' as admin '=
> 01:16:30 05/03/09: =A0Getting handles to the cell and the config library.
> 01:16:30 05/03/09: =A0Opening a non-NULL cell handle to use with the
> server config library handle.
> 01:16:30 05/03/09: =A0Getting tokens in cell jiang.home for user 'admin'.
> 01:16:58 05/03/09: =A0Failed to get tokens for the specified cell: =A02c1=
> 01:16:58 05/03/09: =A0Error 0x2c112 has occurred: Ubik Call failed.
> 01:17:00 05/03/09: =A0Configuration has failed.