[OpenAFS] deadlock in OpenAFS 1.4.11 (Solaris 5.10)

John Tang Boyland boyland@cs.uwm.edu
Fri, 09 Apr 2010 12:39:43 -0500

] What happens if you have exported LANG=C into your environment.

19813:  lwp_private(0, 1, 0xFEF82000)                   = 0x000001C3
19813:  setustack(0xFEF82060)
19813:  sysi86(SI86FPSTART, 0xFEF75A58, 0x0000133F, 0x00001F80) = 0x00000001
19813:  brk(0x08062758)                                 = 0
19813:  brk(0x08064758)                                 = 0
On the machine WITHOUT the problem, it continues:
27096:  stat64("/afs/not-here", 0x08047CA0)             Err#2 ENOENT
27096:  creat64("/afs/not-here", 0666)                  Err#30 EROFS
27096:  fstat64(2, 0x08046EB0)                          = 0
27096:  write(2, " t o u c h", 5)                       = 5

] Based on you trace the freeze comes before AFS does anything. Or
] is just the truss has not written all its output.

The freeze comes EXACTLY when AFS is asked to do somrething.  truss
writes output once the call to stat64 returns, which it never does.

John Boyland