[OpenAFS] fs sysname "Invalid argument"

Simon Wilkinson sxw@inf.ed.ac.uk
Thu, 18 Feb 2010 20:58:49 +0000

On 12 Feb 2010, at 20:41, Dan Scott wrote:

> I have a new install of Fedora 12 with the RPMFusion OpenAFS rpms
> installed. I have configured the CellServDB, ThisCell and cacheinfo
> with our configuration.
> When I attempt to start the OpenAFS client, I receive the following =
> Setting the sysname:fs: Invalid argument.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

There's a few general things you can check - that the kernel module is =
running (although this normal manifests itself as a "Function not =
implemented" error), and that SELinux isn't ruining your day (look for =
"avc: denied" messages in dmesg).

However, I doubt many folk on this list will have much experience with =
the RPM Fusion RPMs, and sadly I don't have time to investigate how yet =
another set of Linux packages have been built and configured. I'd =
recommend either taking your issue up with the packager, or trying to =
reproduce the problem using either the OpenAFS RPMs, or by building from =
our source tarballs.
