[OpenAFS] Re: Speed up pts actions

Derrick Brashear shadow@gmail.com
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:28:13 -0500

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Assarsson, Emil
<Emil.Assarsson@sonyericsson.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> Thank you very much for your swift answers.
> This was my fears and hopes ;-)
> I have created a python script that synchronizes groups in an AD LDAP dat=
abase to match groups and users in pts. It uses pts interactive and this sp=
eeds it up a little bit but not that much. The reads from the database goes=
 really fast so there is no problem with the comparing. Only changes takes =
time. We have right now 22 groups and about 2650 users. A sync with a few u=
pdates takes around 2 minutes and I think that is ok. I'm thinking about us=
ing the timestamp on the group object to see if it has changed since the la=
st sync too to make it even faster.

Do you allow direct PTS editing, or is the database solely emitted?

If the latter, consider scripting pt_util and simply periodically
replacing the database by stopping one site, writing a newer(*)
database and letting a new quorum push it to the other sites.

(*) - ubik epoch and version determine if your database is current;
you'd need to be careful to be newer than the last one.