[OpenAFS] VMware and AFS
Dan Pritts
Thu, 7 Oct 2010 12:01:31 -0400
we run about 60 RHEL5 VMs that are AFS clients. AFS is generally NOT =
heavily used on these VMs but it is used some. We've never had any =
issues like you describe, Steve.
On Oct 3, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Gary Gatling wrote:
> Hello,
> Where I work we have 4 AFS servers running inside of VMware guests. =
The servers are only holding Read Only volumes. On each fileserver there =
are about 230 volumes. Each VM has 512 MB of RAM. The disk storage is an =
SMS. The version of Vmware is Virtual Infrastructure 3.5. The Guest OS =
is RHEL 5.5. OpenAFS v 1.4.11. We haven't had any problems with running =
out of memory. (These are production servers for the eos.ncsu.edu cell) =
The machines usually stay up for 1-2 months and get rebooted when a =
kernel upgrade happens and I manually apply the kernel and openafs kmod =
> upgrades. (I don't get to every single kernel upgrade but I try to do =
it every couple of months...) Because they are read only volumes only I =
can reboot one of the four without making the service go down or =
removing the volumes.
> Our Read Write volumes live on Solaris AFS servers. They require lots =
of moving when patch time comes around every 6 months. But we hope to =
move them to RHEL (maybe in Vmware) in the future once a backup solution =
is ready. We have really never had any problems with these Linux VMware =
AFS servers the whole time they have been running. (since July 2008) =
They've been working pretty good for us.
> Hope that helps,
> Gary Gatling | ITECS Systems
> On Thu, 16 Sep 2010, Steve Devine wrote:
>> We are running an Ubuntu server "Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS" with the OpenAFS =
1.4.11 client on a VM guest. This works great except over time the afs =
client wedges the server - (Ram gets consumed). When this happens we =
have to do a hard reboot to get it back on line.
>> How many others are running AFS clients on VMware guests? Any issues =
or suggestions on troubleshooting this?
>> The VMWare is version 4.0.
>> Steve Devine
>> Systems & Infrastructure
>> Academic Technology Services
>> Michigan State University
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